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back home

Veröffentlicht: 25.06.2008 um 11:43 von Elli

Hello everybody,
I..m back home...YEEEEEEHAAAA.
What a trip. I lost my connection flight from Newark to Cologne, because of Thunderstorms in Newark. It took me 25 hours to get home...And I was not allowed to smoke one fucking cigarette. Anyway, I made it. So I..m back in good old Germany...
I had such a great time. It is really hard to tell how great it was. I met all these unbelievable people in Atlanta. At first Lanny West and his wife Leslie (thank you for staying in your house), then Eileen (Lannys assistent), of course the incredible Sonia Leigh and her band, Adrianne Gonzalez, Eddie (from Eddies Attic) and the whole crowd there.
Then in Nashville Anthony and Lea Little (thank you for the great food and the fantastic songs we wrote), Michael Moon (thank you for the two songs we wrote), Kenny Lamb (also thank you for the songs).
Then in Florence/Alabama the whole crew in the studio Matt, Josh, Frank, Gary and Amanda, Chris...Incredible songs.
And at least the unbelievable Kristen Hall. She is sooooooo funny. Thank you for this really good song.
I saw the platinum record of the song "Let it rain" for Amanda Marshall. It began all with this song. Because of this song I started to sing and play the guitar. Really..I..m not kiding.
And now a wrote a song with this woman who wrote this song years ago. There are no words to describe what that means to me.
Now I..m back home and I have to think about all the impressions I had there. Unbelievable...But at least a special thanks to Adrianne Gonzalez. It started all because of her. She was the one who offered me the gig with Sonia Leigh and that..s why I met all these people. Thank you girl..
I think this was not my last trip to America.

There are new pictures on this site. So check it out and have fun to watch them..


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