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My last gig in America

Veröffentlicht: 19.06.2008 um 19:37 von Elli

Hey everybody,
I did it again. I had my last gig in the states two days ago and it was awesome again. The club was called Sports Bar 290 in Atlanta. People were really nice again and I wasn..t that nervous than the gigs before. And they didn..t offer me a Jägermeister. Great...But instead of that lots of red wine..
After the show I went to a bar called Smiths with my friend Adrianne Gonzalez. I had a really great time there.
Now I..m back in Florence in the studio where we produced my record "Moving on". Yesterday we wrote a really good song. I think it is a hit. Or like the guys would say: "This is a freakin bad ass song"...I like "Bad Ass".
At the moment we are sittin here again to start with the next song and tomorrow I..m going back to Nashville to write with Kristen Hall.....YEEEEEEEHA

So guys have fun to watch the Germans today. I hope they gonna win, because I wanna see more games when I..m back in Germany....

All the best

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