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A new tattoo. Me and Sonia we did it

Veröffentlicht: 16.06.2008 um 08:14 von Elli

12 Jun 2008, 02:00

Hey everybody,
I have to write this blog now in English, because maybe American People will read that blog.
Me and Sonia we were chillin today together in Atlanta and after a few hours sitting around and a few "painkillers" (something to drink) we decided to get a new tattoo. She had this friend, he passed away and she wants to get a tattoo with a song title of him on her arm. And yes, hell yeah she did it..
Since a few month I..m thinking about a tattoo with the songtitle of the first song I..ve written on my back. "You teach me to fly" is the title and it is a really important song and meaning for me.
So yes, we were sittin in this restaurant and decided just to do it. We went over the street to the next tattoo shop and now we have something brandnew on our bodys. It is so great to get a tattoo and to have a good idea how it has to look. And then you get it exactly how you wanted it. Everytime an awesome feeling.
And what is really cool. Everytime when I look at this tattoo I will remember my great time in America, I will remember my first gig in America on the 11th of June and I will remember a great friend here Sonia Leigh...
So visit her myspace site www.myspace.com/sonialeigh and read the blog about her new tattoo...

Girl we did it...

Much love to you all

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