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Alt 13.03.2009, 09:33
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Song Text "Lose Myself"

Lose Myself

Musik: Matt Johnson, Josh Haselton, Shane Baker, Elisabeth "Elli" Erl
Lyrics: Matt Johnson, Josh Haselton, Shane Baker, Elisabeth "Elli" Erl

It’s a little too loud, I can’t hear my thoughts
There’s a little too much routine to this chaos
I don’t wanna wake up in these chains,
There’s nothing but smoke and ashes in this place


I wanna lose myself in a sky so blue, while time stands still
And feel the life rush through my veins
I wanna a taste of freedom, I’m gonna chase that feeling
Let the world go on without me

It’s a little too cold, no one knows my name
I’m a little too tired, to keep carrying this weight
I don’t wanna take one more step
There’s nothing but ghosts and demons in my head



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Geändert von Elli live Fan (20.05.2009 um 14:17 Uhr)
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elli, human, lose myself, songtext

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