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Alt 27.02.2009, 08:38
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Elli live Fan Elli live Fan ist offline
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Song Text "Shadows"

Song Text Shadows

Musik: Chris Weninegar / Matt Johnson
Lyrics: Chris Weninegar / Matt Johnson

Just like the birds, the love and the leaves, we’re only here for a season
Everyone stays as long as they can, hoping they might find a reason
All of the boys and the girls in the streets
are kicking up dust with the soles of their feet
Just looking for a way out,
just looking for a way out


Shadows get lost in the dark, that’s what we are, that’s what we are
Shadows get lost in the dark, that’s what we are, that’s what we are
How can I feel like I’m always alone in a city with millions of people
Am I believe that the only way out can be found in a Roman cathedral
I’m only trying to make a connection,
but kissing the cheek is a cowards confession
I’m looking for a way out,
I’m looking for a way out


Where am I, where am I, where am I, where am I going
Where am I, where am I, where am I, where am I going

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Alt 27.02.2009, 15:31
zera zera ist offline
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AW: Song Text "Shadows"

hey cool.....DANKE Sabine!

so nun auch alle schön auswendig lernen damit wir auch den Song mitsingen können...

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